Highlights Collaborative Research Week

Highlights also organises an extra week, the Highlights Collaborative Research Week (HCRW) from September 21 to September 27, 2024 at LaBRI.

Participants to Highlights can register to this week, and are then free to organise any scientific activities. It is up to you to decide what this week should be. Possibilities can be to

  • meet someone in particular
  • organise or attend a seminar/workshop/reading group
  • gather for solving open problems

We encourage participants to propose activities in advance. For participating, just mention it during the registration process, and register to the HCRW stream in the Zulip chat. This is the place where the activities during the week will be organised. You can declare there what are your center of interests, what topic you would be happy to work on with other participants, or what activities you would like to participate to.


Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Automata Theory

The workshop will be lightweight with at most around two hours of talks per day, which will be held in a blackboard style. The idea is to have one talk in the morning and one in the evening, which allows maximum time for participants to work together. In the first session, open problems will be presented to foster collaborations between the participants.

The exact program has not yet been decided on. It will be made precise progressively, and take into account the interests of the participants. Possible topics include semigroups, decidability of classes of languages, algebras, categories, monads, and many more.

More information can be found in the appropriate stream of the Highlights Zulip server. Do not hesitate to post and declare your interest in the workshop there. You can also contact Thomas Colcombet or RĂ©mi Morvan by email for more details.
